Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Why can't food allergies be black and white?
I have been waiting for her allergy test results and finally got them Monday. I spoke to the nurse and she said that all of her numbers had come down dramatically but to keep avoiding milk, egg, and peanut for the next year. Confusing since her milk reactions have gotten worse but okay we'll go with it. I go and pick up a copy of the results since I need to fax them to Arkansas Childrens for the research study and I like black and white so I want to see the numbers. I pick them up and the numbers look odd to me and then I notice that she is showing up positive to other foods- but not very high. What? the nurse didn't say anything to me about that. So a panicked call to Dr. Aunt Melanie followed. I then left a message for the coordinator at Childrens and then called the doctor here. Let's just say that she was no help and the little bit of nagging distrust I had for her grew to a lot. I then found Landree's test results from last year and got even more confused.
Basically when they do RAST testing they are testing the blood for antibodies built up to certain foods and that number is called IgE. Theoretically the higher the IgE number, the more allergic you are to that food. They then have a scale that they use to convert the IgE # to Classes. Classes run from 0 to 6. Zero being a negative score and 6 being a very high allergy. When I compared the two sets of IgE numbers the latest numbers had gone down a lot; however the Class numbers had gone up over last years class numbers. Huh? When I looked at the scales that determined the class level they were very different on the two reports. Melanie and I decided they must be using two different tests. Well I posted all of the info on my message board for food allergy moms last night. This morning I had several posts and sure enough there are two different tests and the allergist didn't pay attention. So her allergies to milk, egg, and peanut have actually grown- which is to be expected until she's about 3 or 4 years old. She is Class 2 to milk, Class 3 to Peanut, and Class 4 to egg. So the theory would be that since she is having such bad contact reactions to milk then she would be even worse to peanut and egg. But food allergies aren't black and white. There are children that test very low to foods and are anaphylactic and others that test very high to foods and have no reaction and are able to eat them. So we don't know how she would react to peanut and egg since she has not eaten them before.
She also tested Class 1 to Wheat, Oat, Soybean, Pork, and Lamb. She tested Class 2 to Beef. Okay all of these things with the exception of Lamb are foods that she eats on a regular basis and does not seem to have reaction to them. So that makes me think that she is having false positive results. But she does get red eyes and a runny nose a lot that we have always assumed are related to environmental allergies. So now we don't know which is which. She did have a reaction one day after eating a hamburger patty, tomato and drinking orange juice. We assumed it was the orange juice since Papaw reacts to oranges. Well she tested negative to oranges so maybe it was the beef but at this point who knows. I have left a message with the coordinator at Childrens and hope to hear from her soon. I am definately finding a new allergist here. I was so spoiled with the allergists we had in Little Rock and now I am dealing with what most parents of children with food allergies deal with. Did I say I don't like gray?
I finished our Christmas cards and sent them to be printed so be looking for them next week. If I don't post tomorrow, it will be next week before I post again since we will be leaving for Mawmaws Thursday.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
My Cute Husband

It's all about Poooo- Part 2

Children's Christmas Party

Drs. Appointments
Peyton- The cardiologist spent an entire hour with us- I don't think my ob even spent that much time with me during my two c-sections. Basically she is stable in her instability. Her heart is instable but it hasn't gotten better or worse. Her heart normally beats one or two extra beats at a time. She did have a run of 3 beats this time and he said that is probably when she complains about there being a butterfly in her chest. He told me that she is so used to the extra 1 and 2 beats that if they put a normal heart in her chest she would think that was odd. Everyone has told us that this is a very common problem. Dr. Bloom agreed however he said that most people have several hundred of these a day while Peyton is having thousands upon thousands a day and they make up 10% of all of her heart beats. That is why hers are concerning. He does want us to continue to come every six months for the next few years because of the frequency of the beats. That is fine with me because I don't like going a whole year without it being checked on. He will continue to do the holter monitor, ekg, and the echo to make sure her heart is still functioning properly. As of right now no need for treatment. If she has this into adulthood or it gets worse- then we would look at treating it. Pray that band in her heart stays the same or gets better.
Landree saw the allergist- no big news there. We are waiting for her bloodwork now to check the levels of the allergens. My big girl did not even cry while they took two tubes of blood from her. Her big sister on the other hand freaked out and kept saying she couldn't look- I kept telling her to turn around then. Of course nosiness got the better of her and she had to look. The allergist did confirm our suspicions that if she is reacting to contact with milk as badly as she is then she would probably go into anaphylactic shock if she drank some. After Christmas I am going to try getting Peyton on soy just to reduce my stress level.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Landree talking
If you ask Landree where her shoe is she will go get a shoe but she has been calling all shoes- foots for many months now. Yesterday she started calling them feets. Today I picked her up and her shoe fell off and she said, "Oh, my feets, oh my feets." I laughed so hard. It was very cute and her first 3 word combo.
The girls are still in Landree's bed together at night. I think it is really bonding them. Yesterday morning and this morning I have spent 10 minutes listening to them through the monitor talking and playing together before I have gone in there. I have heard Peyton telling Landree that she is the best baby sister in the world and yesterday she was telling her, "Your my baby sister, mine, mine, mine, no one elses, just mine." Anytime Peyton is crying for any reason Landree immediately goes to her and hugs her and pats her back. Today Peyton was sitting in my chair next to me and I was reading her a story. Landree crawls up and sits in Peyton's lap, sticks her thumb in her mouth and listens to the rest of the story. Very precious and I knew I couldn't get a picture of it.
I was really looking forward to staying home to spend time with the girls. I never thought about how much closer they were going to be as sisters. It is so neat because I feel like I am getting to watch Melon and I grow up all over again. The only difference is my rule follower is the oldest and my Wild Child is the youngest.
You know life is a little different when you spend a car ride discussing EKG's and heart ultrasounds with a 4 year old. Of course Peyton's version is, "Mama when I go to the doctor tomorrow am I going to get a shot?" No, Peyton, "Are they going to make me lay down and put the sticker wires on my chest (EKG) and are they going to put that wand with that blue stuff on it and take video of my heart (ultrasound)?" I don't know Peyton. "If they take video you should put it on your webpage so my grandparents can see my heart like my turkey tango." We'll see Peyton. "Oooh Mama, suddenly I just saw Landree's pink shoes we were looking for in the back of the car. They have been hiding there from us all day." It's never a dull moment around here. I'll update tomorrow on how her cardiology appointment goes.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving Weekend Wrapup
Brian stayed home with the girls while I went shopping. I started at Target and made it to Office Max, Walgreens, Best Buy, and the post office and was home at 8:30. It was so not the same without my sister or mother in law. Brian was getting Landree out of her bed when I got there. She was very upset and shaking. We think she may have been dehydrated, she drank 2 cups of water the first 15 minutes she was awake. She stayed in Brian's lap most of the day and even took a nap on him. You know that so hurt his feelings. We suffered through the LSU game and Brian was cranky the rest of the day. We cleaned some on Saturday and caught up on some of our DVR shows.
Today we went to early church and came home and finished our cleaning and worked on laundry. It is amazing how messy a house can get when you don't clean for 3-4 days. We then started working on our Christmas decorations. Peyton helped me with the ornaments. Landree helped herself to the ones she liked and keeps taking them off the tree. I'm wondering if she is doing it just to annoy her sister. I put out my Little People Christmas sets. One is the nativity scene and I have two Christmas villages. The girls love them and it was very exciting when Peyton saw baby Jesus in isolation and immediately knew who it was. Landree has been walking around carrying baby Jesus and Joseph and kissing them. I am so glad I got them on clearance last year. Yes Grandma, we put together the Advent tree and Peyton is anxiously waiting for the first to get here.
Peyton is excited that it is her snack week at school. She is supposed to have a cardiology appointment this week depending on whether they have her holter monitor results. Landree has an allergist appointment this week also. I am anxious to get her new testing results. I think we are going to get Landree's first haircut on Saturday. Her hair is so scraggly. Peyton oh so spoiled me with her head full of hair. We are supposed to go to the USAA kid's Christmas Party and the ladies and I are going to go shopping for clothes for the adult Christmas party for the next weekend. I can't seem to get a good picture for my Christmas card. Oh the holiday whirlwind has started.
It's all about the Pooo
Landree's latest food allergy escapade
Bed Partners
A week later and Peyton is still in the crib with Landree. It was this time 2 years ago we evicted her and now she's back in it. They tried to sleep together at nap time but they just played and giggled. We haven't decided how long this will go on but we'll just have to see. This was another night and they cracked me up by switching ends.
Did you know a Turkey can Tango?
She kept losing her sunglasses and would holler for her friend Lily to bring them to her. Lily would stop what she was doing and run over to give her glasses to her. Her teenage years will be interesting.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
No More Fussing
Sunday, November 4, 2007
We're still alive
Not much here but her picking up gravel but I love the look on her face.
On the way to school Friday my transmission made a horrible noise and I lost the top gears in my suburban. I limped it to school and lucky ran into Pastor Barz who gave me the name of a mechanic. I got it to the shop and found out that the transmission needed to be rebuilt. When I get it back on Monday I am going to put a big red bow on it because it is mine and Brian's Christmas gift.
Saturday, Pastor Barz came to our house to make up our bible study we missed. We discovered that Landree loves red beans and rice. I had beans and sausage in the crockpot all day. She ate two bowls. We then agonized over the LSU game. We went to early church today. No one was in the nursery so Landree came to church with us. Needless to say it was hard work to keep her occupied during the service. Luckily I had lots of snacks with us and stickers in my purse. We made it through and had a lazy afternoon at home.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Every Tuesday night Brian, Haley and I go to Weight Watchers and Marcus watches all four girls. I stop by and pick up kid's meals somewhere for the kids. Last night we went to Jack in the Box and they put the meals in buckets. We are so excited. Every school day, Landree gets upset that Peyton has a bucket and she doesn't. Problem solved, she had a bucket to take to school today.
Now surely no one expected Landree to only carry it.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Dr. Nana and Nurse Peyton
While I was mopping the floor on Friday, I stepped on something. I looked and couldn't find anything so I went back to mopping and forgot about it. This morning my foot started hurting. By lunch time it was really hurting so I asked Moma to take a look. After digging around, she couldn't find anything but she did have a great helper.
Peyton was worried that Nana was going to hurt me and she would hold the light and then close her eyes and look away. Her nosiness would get the best of her and she would have to look again. I am walking around on the outside of my foot and if it is not better tomorrow I guess I will have to go to the doctor because 2 weeks from today we will be in Disney World and I am not having a bad foot at Disney World.
NEWS ALERT- Landree finally said please, well it was fee- close enough and I'll take it.
I got a wild hair to make Peyton some Disney clothes and didn't know how I was going to get it done. It was perfect then that Nana was coming. Here is a shirt we made, I cut and wonder undered everything to the shirt and she sewed them.
Nana's Birthday is on Tuesday so we surprised her with a cake. The Happy Birthday letters are candles (didn't think to take a picture before we lit them) and Peyton wrote Nana.Tomorrow, Kacy and Abby are coming to spend the day with us and Peyton is so excited. I hope that will help her when Nana leaves. Last time she was distraught when Nana left.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Peyton's Field Trip
Today Peyton had her first field trip of the year. A city bus is coming to school and Peyton's class is going to get on the bus, watch a video, and then take a drive around the neighborhood. Parents and siblings were welcome. Peyton quickly informed me she didn't want me to go. She told me she was a big girl and that she didn't need me. I told her that Landree might want to ride and Peyton said that was fine, she could sit next to her and hold her hand. I told her that Landree couldn't ride without me and she told me that she guessed Landree wasn't riding. I decided to let her have control today, it really isn't that big of a field trip. However, she was informed that I would be going on the rest of her field trips and she agreed. If this is four, what will fourteen be like. Needless to say she had a great time and was a little upset that they didn't wear seatbelts
We pulled out the aquadoodle today and the girls loved it but there was a space issue. Landree only wanted to draw on the same space Peyton was drawing on or had already drawn on. Peyton informed me that I needed to put an aquadoodle on Landree's christmas list because she needed her own. This is probably the only time that played well together on it.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Landree's First ER Trip
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
As you can tell she needed a bath after the cupcake.