Brian dislocated his knee while ice skating with Landree. He did not tear his ACL as first feared but did tear some muscle and bruised his femur. His recovery isn't quite as fast as he was expecting. He is doing the exercises the PT gave him so we're hoping that helps.
Peyton is just almost finished with first grade. We are so proud of how much she has grown and matured this year. She is getting ready for her dance recital in June and loves practicing.
Landree is well- Landree. She is the most loving child but sweet heavens she can wear a girl out. She is just a regular spit fire who loves living in Landree Land. It has to be a fabulous place that I hope to visit some day.
Brock is just a chunky monkey. He has gotten so big that I just about can't stand it. He looks like Landree but acts just like Peyton did as a baby. He is a great night sleeper but fights naps like nobody's business. We're talking 6-7 hours straight during the day with no nap. He talks and growls all the time.
And me- I finally feel like I'm coming out of survival mode around here. Being the mom of three has been a lot easier getting used to than I expected. Now I've only been doing it for four months so I'll get back with on whether I feel the same way in a few months. I spent most of yesterday at a Crop with the Haley and Heather. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed digital scrapbooking- haven't done it since August. I am somewhat cheating and using some of the quick put together pages instead of doing it all from scratch. Here are the few pages that I got finished last night.
Peyton had her 7th birthday party with two of her friends. We went to Alamo Cafe for dinner and then the Magik Theatre for "Pinkalicious."

I used to complain about not being able to get a good picture of two kids. Yah- well three is just worse. I got a few decent ones at Easter.

Then of course my true favorite ones- the outtakes

Then Brock- my sweet boy who likes to roll his eyes at me.