Landree is struggling to keep up with Peyton. She has carried this water cup with her all day. She couldn't figure out how to climb the stairs with it so she walked over and solved her problem. I think I might need to wash it before she uses it again.
Thomas and Brittany visited our house for the first time. Poor Thomas had to make do with what we had for his superhero cape. Luckily he has two sisters and has gotten used to it. Brittany is only 5 days younger than Peyton. I see a friendship here.
Best looking group of Superheros and Princesses I've seen!
I am so glad Peyton has some buddies. They will help keep her busy!! Give them a BIG kiss for me.
I know I am going to enjoy seeing all the pictures of everyone.
I will be checking often so keep those cute pictures coming!!!!
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