Everyone got out of bed bright and early and the girls ate waffles and turkey bacon. I finally had to tell Kacy to stop eating bacon because I was afraid she was going to hurt herself. The fog was unbelievably thick and I was glad that none of the girls were on the road. Instead, the girls played house, watched Over the Hedge, sang High School Musical Wii, played on the Digital Arts Studio, made their own pizzas, and played Hannah Montana on the Wii. Kacy was not real thrilled that they had brought their Hannah Montana game and didn't want to play it. She thought there was only 2 songs and all you did was dance, that was until Abby played and won a few shopping bags and was told she could go shopping. Kacy got really interested then and the obsession began. They danced, shopped and got to travel around the world as Hannah Montana. They unlocked Paris and Kacy was very excited and started going shopping, here is the conversation that followed:
Kacy: Let's go shopping in Parie
Abby: Oh yeah, let’s go to Chili's
K- They don’t have Chili's in Paris, it is the number one food capitol of the world
A- Oh, that’s right they have Mexican food there
K- No they don’t they have Paris food there, Paris Rocks
K- They don’t have Chili's in Paris, it is the number one food capitol of the world
A- Oh, that’s right they have Mexican food there
K- No they don’t they have Paris food there, Paris Rocks
Who knew Hannah Montana could teach so much.
The girls had a great day and then Peyton started complaining of a headache late this afternoon. Haley called to say she was on her way and as the girls started cleaning up, Peyton started saying that her legs hurt. Later she told me she couldn't eat supper because her tummy hurt. I went to sit with her and realized she was warm. I got the thermometer and she had a fever of 101.4 degrees. Last week Haley called to tell me Abby was puking so now it was my turn to call her and tell her my kid was sick. Brian got home and we gave her Tylenol. They were chewable so then Landree kept hollering, "Medsin, Medsin," so she got a vitamin to take. The medicine made her feel a little better and she ate a few crackers and some plain whole wheat pasta. When we put her to bed, we put the trashcan next to her just in case. We'll see how it goes tonight and tomorrow. Brian complained about his legs hurting and being really cold. I told him that I was taking care of my baby and if he got sick he might just have to call his mama.
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