It is a darn good thing the Olympics are wrapping up tonight because I haven't gotten to bed before Midnight in over two weeks now. I have LOVED watching all the sports but my secret horrible fun thing is making fun of the Chinese "volunteers" and Olympians. I know it is horrible- I already said that but you know half these people are in fear for their lives if they make one mistake. Mom was here for the Opening weekend and we talked about floggings and thumb screws- horrible I know. Don't even get me started on Gymnastics and the Underage girls. We are watching the Closing Ceremonies right now and they have a big group that have Bike Helmets on and Brian was surprised that they had so many. I told him it was probably because they make most of the world's bike helmets in their sweat shops. His response was- Yeah and they're probably covered in Lead Paint too- Do you see why I married him?
So tomorrow is the first day of Kindergarten for Peyton. Pastor Barz did a special blessing and prayer for all students this morning so she says Jesus is ready for her. Her clothes, shoes (took us 15 minutes to find- glad we looked tonight), and hairbow (like you're surprised) are all laid out on her dresser. The stories "The Kissing Hand" and "The Night Before Kindergarten" have been read. Her Backpack is filled with the hundreds of sheets of papers I had to fill out (I'm not sure I didn't sign her over to them), her pencil box, lunch money, and this Letter P.
She got a yellow P to decorate as homework while we were at Open House on Friday. We were planning to go drop Landree off at Kidz-Kare (all 1200 students were scheduled to be there between 4-6 so we decided we didn't want to lose her in the crush) and then come back and park our car at our house and then walk to school since everyone parks in our neighborhood anyway- Yep we're that close. Well it decided to pour down rain so Brian dropped Peyton and I off at the door and then parked as close as he could. Here is Peyton waiting and ignore the head tilt because that is all she's doing these days
Her teacher had us put away all of her supplies and gave her the P homework to decorate and me a packet to fill out. We then signed up for PTA- which I am already in charge of doing the Newsletter for- I know no one is surprised. We bought a school shirt and a water bottle for her and ran. Since it was her night, we took her to her favorite restaurant and I got a few pics on my camera phone

She and her skinny Daddy- again ignore the posing- she thinks it's cute and now Landree is doing it too. I know the second one is blurry but for once she didn't have her head turned so I had to post it-
Brian is calling me a brown-noser because I took a gift to Peyton's Teacher on Friday night. I just learned that you can stitch cards with cross-stitching thread- I know who knew. I got the pattern from I love this blog and it gives me lots of fun ideas. Here is my card that I made and I included a gift card to Lakeshore Educational Supply.
and here is my basket of all the fun things you like to have as a teacher but never usually buy yourself.
I also included 3 dozen pre-sharpened pencils because they always seem to eat them. I am not brown-nosing, just wanted to do something neat for a teacher because I loved when I got little unexpected gifts when I was teaching and no matter how prepared you are, you always have to go to the teacher supply store that first week or so. Plus- I got most of it for next to nothing because I had a coupon for almost everything and waited until it was on sale too. I was glad I did it because she was very appreciative.
Don't ask how I am doing or how I think I'll do tomorrow- I think staying home this last year has made all of this harder. However, I am looking forward to getting some one on one time with Landree and maybe I can get her potty trained. I have been asked for Chocolate Chip Pancakes and bacon for breakfast so I'll hop her up on some sugar and clog her arteries with a little pork fat before I send her on her way. After we drop her off tomorrow and Brian goes to work, Landree and I are going to eat breakfast with a girl from Haley's neighborhood who lived in Maumelle, AR- small world- and whose son is starting K tomorrow too. So we're going to go cry together and be pitiful. I'll post pics tomorrow I promise but it may be tomorrow night. Please pray for God to give me strength tomorrow so I do not act a complete fool up there and embarass my child on her first day.
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