My first Mother's Day was the day my sweet baby girl Peyton was christened and welcomed into God's Family along with Jayce Carter and I became his Godmother- Loved that. There are certain parts of mother's days since that I remember and cherish. I have this sweet video from two years ago
Last year, I was still dealing with the disbelief that god was unexpectedly blessing us with a sweet baby. I had found out the week before and we had planned to keep it to ourselves for awhile. Then my morning sickness kicked in and Peyton thought I had swine flu so we decided to come clean. We called and told our Moms that we were expecting because is there really any day better than Mother's Day for that kind of news? While we all knew that we would have a sweet baby, I don't think we were expecting this sweet boy

This morning I got waffles and bacon for breakfast, a homemade card and book from each girl- they know their mama, and they gave me Jewelry and a gift card to Sephora- SCORE!! We actually got up and got to 8 o'clock church. Got home where my sweet husband proceeded to fix all the meals and clean the kitchen and glory be I haven't changed one diaper today- yeah!!! Here are the three reasons I have been doted on by sweet husband today. Don't they look innocent like they never harass their mom.

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