Monday, April 28, 2008
Just a Little Ray of Sunshine
This weekend was pretty nice for us. On Friday, I took all my girls (Kacy and Abby too) to see Horton Hears a Hoo. I had hotdogs in my bag for Landree along with microwave dairy-free popcorn in a ziploc and juice boxes. Peyton did get a kids popcorn meal and everybody was happy and allergy safe. I also took Landree's tabby blanket and everybody made it through the movie without one potty trip. I had worked out in my mind all the different situations on how I would make potty trips by myself with 4 kids. Landree is now obsessed with wanting to go to the movies and even laid out Sunday morning when we told her we weren't going to the movies, we were going to church. I also had one of those lovely moments that you remember for a long time. I was standing at the concession stand in line when I realized something didn't feel right. Sure enough, I had a huge tear in the seat of my pants. The good Lord only knows who all saw my behind that day. I have no clue how long it was like that but I know it didn't just happen while I was standing in line. I was slightly embarassed to say the least but then it changed over to mourning when I realized that these were my favorite denim capris that I have had for years and wore all the time. I got over it because that just means one more pair I get to buy before my cruise.
Friday night, we had a quiet night at home with just the four of us which we haven't done in a week and I made homemade lasagna- YUM. Peyton said she was in love with it- you know it must be good if picky said that. I made Landree an alternative lasagna with Tofutti Mozzarella and she had finished the first serving before I even got to the table. Peyton had a game Saturday and is still frustrating her Daddy. She is not completely focused on the ball 100% of the game and for her athletically incline Father it's a STRUGGLE. Saturday night I went to a crop with Haley and a girl from her neighborhood, Heather who moved here from Maumelle. Haley and I were the only ones doing digital scrapbooking and Haley got a lot of attention. It was from 6-midnight and it was nice to just be somewhere with adults and no kids- even though I spent all my time working with pics of my kids. Sunday was confirmation Sunday at Church so it was packed and of course my girls were not well behaved. I have never had Peyton act out in church at all but she was wired up Sunday for some reason. A few well placed pinches were delivered and I prayed for Patience and kept repeating, "She's a child of God, She's a child of God."
Tonight we went to Brian's Basketball which they didn't win but it was sure fun to watch Brian running up and down that court. He is soooo much faster than he ever was before.
The rest of the week is pretty normal, we have Weight Watchers tomorrow night and if I haven't lost this week, I might get a little bit ugly. I then have to order swimsuits for our cruise- YUCK. Here is one of the excursions we have booked, we are so excited.
I need to make sure I have my motion sickness patches before we go.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Oh My Aching Butt
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
My New Camera

Next I harassed Landree.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
- There is the somebody famous is coming to my house and I have to completely redo the whole place and get a professional crew in here type of cleanliness.- Never experienced that one before but getting my first house ready to sell was as close as I think I'm ever going to get.
- Then there is the "I'm going to have people I don't know to my house and I want them to think of me as a clean person and not the slob I am deep down" level of cleanliness
- Next is "One of our Parents are coming to visit or Acquaintances" level- Okay so this one really should move down the list the older I become. I used to be really worried about when one of our parents came to visit. My mom- I really wanted her to think that I was paying attention all those years and knew how to keep a clean house and wanted her to be proud of me. Who was I trying to kid- she was the one who saw my room all those years and knows deep down that I "know" how to keep a clean house- I just "choose" not too. I used to be really worried when my In-laws came to visit. I didn't want them to think that their son was married to a complete failure of a wife. That too started to go away as the years have gone on- I think more after Peyton was born and I figured out that as long as unknown things weren't growing that could possibly going to hurt their grandchild they were okay. Just pass them a grandkid when they walk through the door and they probably don't even notice the surroundings for the first hour or so. The younger and cuter the kid- the more time before they notice
- Now we come to the "True Friends and Siblings" level- As long as there is a path through your house and nothing is going to attack them besides kids and a dog and you plan to feed them- you don't have to do much- hey chances are their house looks about the same
- Lastly "Good Lord- Surely that isn't someone knocking on our door because even I cringe when I look at my house" Level- This one is where you and your husband are just cranky because it is so bad and when you're both working- neither one of you feels like cleaning it and you just ignore it and when one of you isn't working (ME) the other one just gives you those silent but deadly looks, sighs a lot, and mutters under his breath
Well not that we have established the levels, lets look at my house. Everyone knew I had the SAHM open house last Thursday and I will be honest my house was pretty much at the bottom level. I have been in a slump and couldn't seem to get myself in gear. The last time my house was truly clean was Superbowl Sunday and yes people I know that was months ago. My family and Brian's family had visited and it may have been some of the messiest my house had been. So I start working through my house and realized at Midnight on Wednesday night that Good Lord my house had been nasty. I stayed up to a ridiculously late time to get it to a decent level- it looked pretty good but no-one dare go in a closet or open up a cabinet.
We had our gathering and didn't have a big turnout which was okay with me because one of the ladies that came has a daughter starting K in the fall with Peyton and the girls played and she sat around and we talked for an extra two hours. So that was really great.
After I got the girls down for a nap I finally opened up my new camera and played for awhile. Everyone who knows my camera habits know I take WAAAAY too many pictures because I just love a digital camera. Well having a much quicker shutter speed is not helping that problem. I need to get very familiar and intimate with the delete button. Later I'll post some pics and more details on our weekend.
Just for those curious- by Saturday, our house was somewhere between acquaintances and good friends. The Willards came by to pick up Abby who had spent the night and I have to say I was a little uncomfortable when I looked around at my house. Isn't it sad how you don't always notice the condition of things until someone else is about to come through your front door?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
No Nuts!
Last night we went to Weight Watchers and then we went to the Willard house to pick up the girls. They all were outside playing when we got there and were not happy that we were making them come home. Brian was on one side of the suburban buckling Landree in and I was on the other letting Peyton in and Landree saw that I had her Carebear. She starts getting all excited and hollering, "Momma, Catch it me, catch it me." It took us a minute and then I asked her if she wanted me to throw it to her and she started hooting- "Catch, it me, catch it me." So she learned how to play catch at the Willard house last night- terminology a little wrong but she got the idea.
UPS says my new camera is out for delivery- yeah!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Watch out World

Monday, April 7, 2008
Birthday Weekend/Easter- 3/21-3/23

Another great shot by Haley. I've decided she is officially signed up pictures for all my kids birthday parties

Landree Drama
Her pediatrician looked at it and said that she was sure it was a staph infection and pretty sure that it was MRSA. Well I guess the look on my face said it all and she quickly told me that there was only a problem with about 10-15% of those with MRSA and we were catching it early and Landree was really healthy. She needed to culture it and so that meant opening it up. All of you moms out there know the shiver of fear that went down my back. I would rather wrestle a bear than try to hold down a strong ornery two year old. Squeezing it didn't work so she had to pop it with a needle. It was nasty and gross and now I had a really pissed off 2 year old on my hands. They brought her a blue popsicle to match her blue shirt so it wouldn't stain as bad (I love being at an office of all women) and the doctor said that she really wanted to hit it with a really strong antibiotic. I asked her if it had milk in it and her response was that it couldn't because God wouldn't do that to us because we really needed to use this particular antibiotic. So she called the pharmacist and we were cleared. Just for those who are curious- 20% of all drugs have milk in them.
I got home and watched the day befores Dr. Phil which was on MRSA and surfed the internet on MRSA and got myself a little worked up. Brian was not worked up- he was just down right scared. When the day started it looked like you had cut a golf ball in half and put on her thigh- by the end of the day it looked like you had taken a baseball and put on her thigh. So needless to say there a few tears on my part on a lot of prayers from everyone- including her big sister. We decided to just tell our family and close friends it was possibly MRSA- I didn't want my children shunned due to media hype about a superbug.
On Thursday her leg looked much better but everytime I got near her to change a diaper- she would holler, "No touch it- my bobo." She was very cranky all day. Her doctor called that night to check on her. We were very impressed that she called but it did scare us a little more that she called us at 8:30 at night to check on her.
Friday she looked great and there was still a lump there. Her doctor tried to squeeze it some but it didn't do anything. So she told me to have her soak in a warm bath and then have Brian try to pop it to get the rest of the stuff out of it and she gave us a prescription for an antibiotic cream to use on it. Well she soaked and Brian worked on it and vowed he was never going to do it again and I think the child could do anything and get away with it because Brian felt so guilty.
She is running around like her normal banshee self and only has a slight discoloration on her thigh at this point. We did get a positive staph culture back and are still waiting for the MRSA test. The antibiotic smells dreadful and we have two big bottles she has to take so we are being very religious about giving it to her. I started the week worried about my 5 year old growing up and I guess Landree put it all in perspective. I laugh because I remember when she was a baby- she was so quiet and you would just forget about her. I told Momma that I felt like I needed to stick up for her and make sure that she didn't get overshadowed by her sister. That all seems like a big joke now.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sorry I haven't posted my updates but we've had drama here. Of course it involves Landree and a doctor but I have to go get Peyton from Pre-K and I'll post all about it later.