There maybe a connection here, the dog checked out and was all clear at his 2006 annual check-up the year Landree was born. Last year right before we moved here his vet found a very mild heart murmur and it didn't need any treatment. One year later after being home with me and Landree all day everyday the dog has a double heart murmur and just got put on heart medication. May not be related but I'm just saying- there maybe a connection.
We had a pretty quiet weekend this past weekend. It was such a busy week that we were glad to spend most of the weekend at home. Peyton did have a soccer game and I swear the child prances like a pony when she runs. Towards the end of the game she did start engaging and getting close to the ball and even had a run where she almost kicked it into the goal. She has her Trike-a-Thon tomorrow so family be careful when answering the phone- she is going to start calling for donations soon. Brian took her out last night after his basketball game to make sure she remembered how to ride her bike. We have to decorate it in honor of Fiesta. I have lived here almost a full year now and I'm not sure what Fiesta is besides almost two weeks of eating and drinking and they have a parade and the kids are out of school for it.
Brian is becoming more active in the church whether he likes it or not. Pastor Barz started a men's group on a book called, "For Men Only- and then something about learning about the innerworkings and thinking of women." Brian hadn't planned on going but Pastor sent an email to check on Landree and sent a personal invitation to Brian- so Brian went. Ask me in a month or two if it worked. On Saturday he got up early and helped build a rock wall at the church. They weren't finished when he left for Peyton's game and he mentioned going back but I already had family plans. Later I learned why- the head guy had brought a cooler full of beer for them to enjoy when they were done.
The good Lord has blessed our family once again. On Thursday, I got the call from the pediatrician that she did indeed have MRSA and that we needed to make sure that she finished her antibiotics. She also said that it was really good that I brought her in when I did and as fast as it was growing, if we would have waited another day she would have probably ended up in the hospital because oral antibiotics would not have worked. I also am very thankful that she knew what she was looking at and took the appropriate steps. I think it scared me more after the fact knowing how close we came to it being really bad. We have since heard so many horror stories involving children and know how blessed we are. She did tell me to really watch any spots on her because it can lay dormant and come back. She had given us an antibiotic cream and any spot that comes up is getting slathered with that.
After all of my dental issues last week (I had the bond from a wreck I had as a kid fall off of one of my front teeth- I really did look like I had moved from Arkansas), I'm back to my hosting duties this week. On Thursday, I am hosting the neighborhood HOA SAHM Open House. Basically I'm having all of the SAHMs in the neighborhoods come over for the morning. Of course I don't think my house has been truly clean since the superbowl party back in February. So you know I have a bunch of women coming in so I have been trying to get things extra clean. Of course then I want to add some extra decorations and I rearranged the playroom again. I love having a playroom downstairs, I just hate that it is the first thing you see when you walk into my house. Instead of cleaning yesterday, I spent 3 hours working on the invitation for Jayce's Birthday Party. Here is what I ended up with:

I wanted to put Jayce Carter since that is how my family refers to him but I thought it might confuse the kids at daycare since no one there uses his middle name. But wouldn't it sound more like a heathen outlaw to have both names- Jayce Carter?
My new camera is supposed to be delivered tomorrow!!! I am so excited but don't expect much because it may take me a month to figure out how to take a picture on it.
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