Here is one of my updates I promised.
On the Friday before Peyton's Birthday, we went to see Disney on Ice- High School Musical. Mom had made it into town so she went with us, Haley had to work so Marcus' Grandmother accompanied Abby and Kacy, and Leigh and Britney also went. We had the standard arena food for lunch and some of the girls picked out souvenirs. We had really great seats and were so close to the ice that I was upset I had forgotten jackets. Peyton was in awe. I knew that she could sing along to the movies but people she knew every word to every single song. Leigh and I cracked up at her. It was a great show and well worth the money.
That night we took mom to Alamo Cafe and then waited for Melanie and her crew to get there. She was worried that she wouldn't see the girls so I told her that I would keep Landree up but that she had to deal with her on Saturday when she was a grump. I had thought I had convinced Peyton to just have plain cupcakes that the kids could decorate for her party. Friday afternoon she asked me when I was going to start on her cake. I asked her what cake and she told me that she thought I was going to make her an artist palette cake like I made Landree's cakes. Well crap, so guess who started making cakes at 9 o'clock at night. Melanie and I stayed up a little too late that night and we were scrambling to get everything ready the next morning.
Her party was at a local pottery place and it was great. The kids ate pizza first, we then put smocks on them and they started painting their tiles. It was hilarious to watch them because some were just real loosey-goosey painting them, others were very exact and knew what they wanted to do, and there were others whose moms should have put their name on them because they are the ones who painted them.

This has to be one of my favorite pictures of Peyton. I love how excited a kid gets over a cupcake.
We then opened presents and of course Peyton was thrilled with her loot.

Another great shot by Haley. I've decided she is officially signed up pictures for all my kids birthday parties

We headed home and put Landree to bed. The guys played Wii, Melanie and Momma went shopping and Emily and I took Peyton to a birthday party. I would have much rather sat my big butt at home and took a nap but it wasn't in the cards. We saw most of the same kids and there were ponies for the kids to ride.
I got up early the next morning because I had to make chocolate chip pancakes for Peyton because I had made something special for Landree's birthday and of course Peyton remembers everything. I blocked off the stairs so everyone could come down at once. Here is a pic of Peyton running to Melanie who is wishing her a Happy Birthday.

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