Monday, March 31, 2008
8 Days and my Momma Heart has had enough!!!
So I got her registered at school today- it took over an hour and I'm not so sure that I didn't sign my firstborn over to them. I can't believe that come August she will hopefully be there with 1059 other kids (and we one of the smaller area elementary schools). We are still not sure that she will be going there. The school is capped and can't accept new students. Normally they make it through early registration before they fill up and then reach capacity as the summer goes on. They are preparing to maybe reach capacity this week and if they have more kids register for Kindergarten than spots then they will hold a lottery Monday night. They have 176 spots and 77 kids registered before lunch today. Let's just pray that everyone came early and that these numbers don't hold true for the rest of the week.
Peyton didn't want to go tonight and got nervous. She got to see the cafeteria and then we went into a classroom and heard a presentation from 2 of the 8 K teachers. We took her by the library and she was excited to know that she was going to have a library like Kacy and Abby do. She was worried about not having a playground and we took her by and she was very impressed that they have 2 playgrounds and let me tell the one has some of the biggest and probably most expensive equipment I have ever seen. I told Brian when we got home- we aren't in Kansas anymore. So everyone pray for us that we get to go to our neighborhood school and not one of the 10 that are within 7 miles of us- yes you did read that right.
I have so much to update so I think over the next day or two I will just do separate blogs for each picture and event.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
My Baby is Five

She is already planning or maybe I should say worrying about the future. She asked me tonight what if no one at Kindergarten wanted to be her friend. I do wonder how a child so outgoing and boisterous could have so many self-doubts. We gave her the newest book in the series of Gigi- God's Little Princess and Gigi was not good at soccer and her dad told her that God has given us all special gifts and we need to figure out what our gift from God is and how best to use it. As I was reading I had to keep myself from laughing when I read this, "I am very loud so that must be one of my gifts." At age five I think this might be one of Peyton's gifts.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Update of the Last Week and a Half
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Landree ER Visit #3
So I called Brian to meet me there and off we went. Well it was early release day for the schools and I hit 4 school zones on the way there. I remembered that Haley had conferences for the girls today (hence the early release) and asked if she could Peyton afterwards if we were still there. I also called Melanie and asked her to give it to me straight and tell me what I was looking at here. Landree had fallen asleep and I had no clue if she was asleep or unconscious. To tell you how long it took me to get there- Brian who came from across town beat me there. I got her out of her car seat and she woke up so I did have a moment of relief that she wasn't unconscious. She saw Brian and did say Daddy and then just laid out on his shoulder. They took us right back and we got in a room. The doctor came in and moved Peyton by Landree, he then looked at both their eyes and turned the lights off and on and looked at them. He said that since their eyes were very close in size and color that it was good to have Peyton there to compare how they reacted. He then showed us, Landree's pupils were tiny and did not react to light at all. This is when I got scared- not that I wasn't scared before but I knew I needed to get her to the hospital so I didn't have time to be scared. Looking at those blue eyes with that tiny little black dot still haunts me. The doctor said that since she was conscious, she could drink the charcoal instead of having to have an NG tube- thank heavens.
Two nurses came and did a urine catheter and put in an IV port and took two tubes of blood. Haley thankfully came by and picked up Peyton before her conferences and Landree heard her and started saying, "Haeey, Haeey." I was so relieved that she was actually noticing someone. The nurse then brought us a container of apple juice that had been mixed with apple juice and told us she needed to drink it. People it was solid black- not a transparent black but a opaque black and she said that it would stain. Brian and I looked at each other like yeah right! She did drink it and within a minute I watched her pupils start getting bigger and within 2 minutes she was talking again. I knew that charcoal worked to absorb the drug but I had no idea it worked that fast. After about 15 minutes she was hollering for food. It was 2 o'clock and she hadn't eaten since breakfast. After awhile the nurse brought her apple juice, applesauce, and teddy grahams- yeah! all stuff she could eat. Landree wanted to drink but didn't want to eat anything. She was a happy camper as long as she had something to drink and her Abby Cadabby (Peyton saw it in the suburban and thought Landree needed it- thank goodness the 4 year old had the forethought that Landree would need a lovey- I hadn't even brought her blankie). Brian was trying to get me to go and eat lunch but all the moms out there understand that it was impossible for me to leave that room. Landree was cranky and now that I knew she was okay, I realized that I was exhausted and Brian joked that I should ask them for something for my cough. I did realize during this time that our nurse was the same nurse we had when Landree had to have her eyebrow glued together last September. The doctor came back through and said that her urine did test positive to opiates. Opiates- did he really have to say it way? Couldn't he have said codeine instead- sounds like she got into illegal drugs.
Landree started getting sleepy and we encountered a problem- they put the IV port in her thumb sucking hand. The nurse checked with the doctor and he said that it was okay for her to sleep but she couldn't go to sleep because she couldn't suck her thumb. As the afternoon wore on, she started getting more lethargic and then we realized that her pupils were shrinking again. Landree then threw up all over me, the bed, and the floor- somehow she stayed clean. Brian got the nurse and then the housekeeper came and the room was cleaned up. We could still see the housekeeper down the hall when Landree started projectile vomiting. After 5 rounds, she finally stopped and was very lethargic again. The doctor came in and said that she might be feeling the effects of the guafasein now and that he wanted to give her an IV of fluids and that after an hour if she wasn't any better than he wanted to keep her overnight. Well IV fluid does the body good. She started talking and making her little ham face and was back to normal. She did become oddly attached to a washcloth and called it, "My coff." She then realized Abby Cadabby had gotten some charcoal on her and she went nuts trying to get the "poopoo" off of her. My shirt was covered in charcoal vomit and Brian asked for a scrub top. The nurse said she would do her best and I finally just had Brian take off his undershirt and I put that on. About 30 minutes before we left she had finally found a top for me and I was relieved.
I was sitting on the bed and Landree was standing between my legs covering my head with a towel hollering, "Boo, Mama, Boo," when the doctor walked in. He said that he didn't think he even needed to ask if she was okay and that we were free to go home.
It was 6:30PM when we were leaving and I was EXHAUSTED. As we were walking out I saw the Doctor that glued her eyebrow and the nurse that helped when she broke her thumb- can you tell we have been to the ER TOO MUCH. Brian went to go pick up Peyton from the Willards- Haley said that she was wonderful at the conferences and didn't talk and interrupt and Haley fed her lunch and she got to spend the afternoon with Abby. So Peyton had a great afternoon and I was so thankful that Haley had those conferences and was able to get Peyton. I headed to Chik-fil-A to get supper and I thought that their plain grilled chicken sandwich would be nice and easy on Landree's tummy. We all got home and ate supper and Landree ran around all evening right as rain. She went to bed easy like normal and I have to admit that I checked on her many times that night. I couldn't sleep because every time I closed my eyes all I could see were those big blue eyes and little bitty black pupils.
I am now worried that CPS will be knocking on my door soon. I am certainly not getting any mother of the year awards anytime soon. Everyone keeps telling me not to be too hard on myself. I know I can't watch her every moment of the day but it was ridiculous for me to have left that bottle on my bathroom counter. Needless to say Tuesday night, Brian and I did a search for all medicine within Landree and a stool reach and thanked God that we were home with our baby knowing it could have been much worse.
Monday, March 10, 2008
No Update Today
Friday, March 7, 2008
I Can't Sleep

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Almost UGH #2- You know you are pitiful when the highlight of you day is having your two and almost five year old massage your back. Peyton asked if she could and I was happy to submit. Hey, she's not that bad.
UGH #3- Last week I started my goal of losing 20 pounds before our cruise. I have worked out 5 of the last 7 days and I'm not talking about just a 20 minute walk. I'm talking about 45 minutes of walking so fast that I am sweating like a pig and want so desperately to hold on to the treadmill to keep upright. All of this and I GAINED 2.6 pounds! I never look at my weight at the scale- it's not visible and you have to look at your card. However, I knew it was not going to be good because the lady didn't make a comment- no comment means you've gained. When I looked, I actually said very loudly, "Are you serious?" I have never commented on my weight like that. Needless to say, I was shocked. I went and sat down and expressed my displeasure to Haley who tried to help me figure it out. I then remembered something and looked at my weight loss book. The last time I started exercising- I gained 3 pounds the first week. Our leader said that it can happen when your body feels traumatized. Let's just say if you don't see something better here next Tuesday, my body is going to think traumatized.
Monday, March 3, 2008
This morning, Landree decided she wanted to get on top of her dresser. She opened the drawers and tried to use them as stairs and of course fell. She now has a big scrape under her nose and says its her ouwy and it hurts. When we went to school today they were having a special blessing for the students and teachers for Lutheran Schools Week. Peyton was very proud of herself because Pastor Barz called her to the front. She got to hit the triangle 3 times when he said The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. She was so happy. Afterwards, they had the Chik-fil-a cow there and both girls were enthralled. She showed up again at supper and Landree refused to eat. She was happy to see it but didn't want to touch it. I knew that the pre-school was a good school and I have been very happy with it. However, I never knew how good it was until this weekend. We have already gotten Landree into Mother's Day Out for the Fall because we were church members and an already enrolled family. Last Friday was open enrollment for the public. People were camping out over night to get into the preschool! I love my children and if it would help, I would camp out to get Peyton into Kindergarten at the neighborhood school (there is a cap and we're not sure to get in) but camping out for Mother's Day Out or Preschool- I think I would be having Preschool at the Kitchen Table.
Well- I have to break down and clean my house tomorrow. I've just been doing minor up-keep the last two weeks and it's starting to show. Since Landree broke our scale, I have no idea how I am doing with my weight loss. I'll post tomorrow night after weight watchers. My thought is that if I keep sharing with all of you- maybe I'll keep my motivation going.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
We're Officially Members
That is the outfit that Brian wore to the Christmas party and it was about 2 sizes too big day. Yeah!!! Doesn't he look great! I have decided I might never wear that dress again. It's about two sizes too big and I look worse in it then when I actually fit into it.
The weather here is so odd. Last Monday it was 92 degrees and then it got down to freezing on Tuesday. Yesterday it was bright and the sun was shining and we went to Sea World and it was a great afternoon. Last night I had two sets of dresses laid out for the girls: Spring and Winter. This morning Brian decided they needed Spring because it was so warm yesterday. Wrong- it was cool and windy today so we had to listen to Peyton whine for the whole 2 minutes it took her to get from the car to the church.
So I am still trying to get myself in shape for the cruise and have worked out 3 of the last 4 days. After I work out I stretch. Let's just say Landree is making it a little harder. When she sees me on the floor she comes running and hops on my back yelling, "Ride Momma, Ride." So I have lost 7 pounds shy of her weight but I don't think all of it was on my back. That little bull can take the breath right out of you.
My Valentine's Day Project