Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Update of the Last Week and a Half

So I need to get my update from last week done and the kids are in bed so I might as well do it now.
Last weekend Haley and I went to the Container Store and it was the most fun I have had in years. Sad I know. We spent two hours in the place and people I could have spent 10,000 dollars in there. I love organizing and little containers and they were full of them and they would even send someone to your home to design a closet system. They had a perfect closet system for Peyton's Room but I couldn't see spending $1000 on a closet. I did get containers for some of the dry stuff in the pantry- Haley is definitely my friend because she sat down on the floor with me in the middle of a store and helped me figure out what size container I needed to get for all my food.

I did think of Jessica while I was in the parking lot. Across the parking lot from the Container Store was Lakeshore Education Supply. I have spent a lot of Pulaski County Special School District's Money in their catalog and I didn't even know they had a brick and mortar store. I'm sure the two of us could have made an entire day out of just shopping in those two stores.

I had been feeling a cold coming on Friday and Saturday and I couldn't sleep Saturday night at all so Brian took Peyton to church and I stayed home with Landree. Afterwards they went and got soccer stuff. Of course everything they come home with was pretty much pink and she is so proud of them. When she got home, she took her bottoms off and put her pink shin guards, socks, and cleats on. Mom was sick so Dad ordered pizza and let Peyton eat in the living room- she even wore them while she ate.

You already heard about Landree and the ER visit. Bless her heart she woke up the next morning with swollen eyes, achy, and cranky- Brian said it sounded like a good hangover to him. Landree has taken to eating raw onions and you better save her some or the two year old temper tantrum starts. I'm calling her dragon breath because even the next morning she still stinks. She can't have milk, eggs, and peanuts but does like all vegetables and I guess raw onion.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful until Friday. Peyton had her Easter Party so I took Landree to Kidz-Kare. When I got to school the teacher asked us moms to hide the eggs. I'm just going to say this- I have never hid Easter Eggs in 97 DEGREE WEATHER! Easter is early this year and I'm sweating buckets hiding Easter Eggs- Welcome to South Texas. Peyton had a blast and loved finding eggs. Of course she had to wear her sunglasses to do it.

This is Peyton and Garrett.

Garrett is her best friend who is a boy and don't make the mistake of saying boyfriend because she will eat you up over it. I get tickled every time I see the two of them together because something about him reminds me a little bit of Brian.
Brian does not really like the following picture and I'm sure Papaw and some of her uncles would agree.

Here in San Antonio, they have the smallest garages ever and we still didn't have a vehicle in ours. So Saturday we got the girls down for a nap and literally took everything out of our garage, pulled the suburban in (it just barely fit lengthwise), and then put what fit back into the garage and are donating the rest. Brian and Peyton went out and played soccer in the backyard Sunday afternoon and I got tickled when Peyton started using her sandbox shovel and bucket to pooper scoop the backyard. The sandbox has been empty since we moved and Brian is nervous to feel it up because of scorpions. Landree started finding piles and every time she found one she would stoop down and say, "Eeewww poopoo" and then holler at Buddy.

Brian's team won their basketball game last night and poor Peyton thinks its because she wasn't there and her cheerleading when she is there has been making them lose. Landree wasn't acting herself yesterday afternoon and woke up at midnight with a fever. I finally got her back down around one thirty this morning. She was miserable for most of the day and has an appointment tomorrow morning. On Maundy Thursday, the church is having Passover Seder which is a recreation of the Last Supper and by some odd chance- I ended up as coordinator so I am supposed to go set up for that tomorrow.

Two weeks ago, I told you that I gained 2.6 pounds and that our leader said it was from the "trauma" of working out and I said that my body better hope it was not the same the next week. Well I didn't go last week due to Landree's ER visit. So with the fever today, Brian and I went but parked in front of Weight Watchers and just switched off going in. Well I have lost 5.6 for the last two weeks so I was happy- I'm on my way cruise. Brian has now hit an even 220 and looks great. Not only is the weather odd here but tonight we experienced mud rain. I'm serious- the news says it's raining mud and to stay inside if you can. Great they tell us that after we've been out and about. Basically there was a dust storm in Monterrey, Mexico and so now San Antonio is covered in a big dust cloud so the rain is going through that before it hits the ground. You can imagine how lovely my black suburban looks.
So tomorrow we have a doctor's appt and Seder set up, Thursday my mom is coming in a day early- YEAH (Peyton has already figured out everyone's sleeping arrangements- is anybody surprised?), Friday is High School Musical on Ice and Melanie and half her crew are coming in, Saturday is Peyton's Birthday Party, and Sunday is Easter and Peyton's 5th birthday so you may or may not be hearing from me for a few days.

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