Friday, March 7, 2008

I Can't Sleep

I think I'm working on a cold or the dreaded South Texas Allergies are hitting and I haven't been able to sleep very well the last two nights. I have been so sleepy today so I figured I would go to bed a little early. Well it is 1 in the morning and I am still up. Brian is at Jim's house playing poker and I decided to start working on a new scrapbook page. I am done with my page and thought I would pop on here to upload it. It is one of Brian and yes I am gushing about how proud I am of him. I also thought my In-Laws might enjoy seeing the difference in their son.

Tomorrow, Haley and I are going to The Container Store. This is my first trip and I am already excited. I love being organized, I'm lazy and am usually not organized, but when I have an organized area- it makes me feel all warm inside. I might have to go to the ATM and get a set amount of cash and leave my debit card and checkbook at home. It could be dangerous.

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