Sorry- Last Sunday night I must have hit save as draft instead of publish
Let's start by saying there is no way my baby should be five years old. I know that when I listen to her she sounds more like fifteen some days but there is now way I can believe she is five. All parents think back to the day their child was born and I am no exception. Today she was trying to be helpful and help Nana carry out her luggage and put it in the car. I stood in my doorway and watched her keep up her steady stream of conversation with Momma and carry this big bag and couldn't help but think that five years ago at this moment we thought something had gone horribly wrong with my epidural and I couldn't move my head and her heart rate was erratic and we were going in for a c-section and I heard the anesthesiologist holler to the nurse, "Tell Martin (doctor) he's got 7 minutes to get his ass here or I'm going to find someone else to cut her." Let's just say when you can't move your head and you've been in labor over 24 hours you have two thoughts- First- Oh crap- this is really scary and I'm not sure if I'm ready for this, and secondly, Thank you Dr. Fitz- I'm glad someone is taking this seriously. God and I had a lot of conversation during the next few moments- it was all one sided for the most part but he gave me one big answer and that was my 8lb 14oz Peyton Elizabeth.
When you have a baby you wonder what she's going to look like and what her personality is going to be. God gave me such an amazing girl who at age 5 has a giant sweet tooth, despises vegetables, is more intelligent than I ever dreamed, who loves to talk more than breathe, hates to be teased, worries herself to death, is a planner like her momma, has insecurities that scare me because I don't know how to fix them, has insight into emotions of others that is well beyond her years, thinks cleaning is the most boring thing in the world, always has a great or fabulous idea (her words), would watch television 24/7 if I let her, loves her baby sister, let's the green-eyed monster get hold of her when it comes to her sister, is the best Food Allergy Police Protection force Landree would ever need, sings every word to just about every song she has ever heard, has a memory that makes us shake our head and refers to herself as the Princess because God is the King of Kings and she is God's Little Princess. With all of that, Haley took this picture yesterday at her birthday party and it took my breath away because there is no way that she is as old as she looks in this picture with her best friend Abby

She is already planning or maybe I should say worrying about the future. She asked me tonight what if no one at Kindergarten wanted to be her friend. I do wonder how a child so outgoing and boisterous could have so many self-doubts. We gave her the newest book in the series of Gigi- God's Little Princess and Gigi was not good at soccer and her dad told her that God has given us all special gifts and we need to figure out what our gift from God is and how best to use it. As I was reading I had to keep myself from laughing when I read this, "I am very loud so that must be one of my gifts." At age five I think this might be one of Peyton's gifts.
I don't have time to do my weekend update but I'll get that done with pics later in the week. Grandma and Papaw will be coming in tomorrow afternoon and the girls are excited.
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