Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Okay- so it's been two weeks

since my last post. It has been a busy few weeks only for us to be heading into an even busier week. On Thursday night, Brad and his girlfriend, Megan came into town for the weekend. On Friday we went to Rudy's for lunch and Brian took them up to see the USAA campus. Peyton had her last day of Preschool. I have to say I teared up a little because it only means that Kindergarten is even closer.

Saturday we went to Peyton's last Soccer Game and it was hot enough that Megan and I looked like two little old ladies with our Umbrellas (We have been over one hundred several times already this month). Lindsey came over to watch the girls and we went out to eat at Chuy's, went to Dillard's to exchange some board shorts Brian bought too big and he came out of there with size Mediums- yes you read that right the man that was in XXL this time last year bought mediums, and then we checked out the new Dick's Sporting Goods. It was pretty nice- I have nothing to compare it too but Brad and Megan said it was better than the one in Shreveport so I'll have to go on that. We then went to see the new Indiana Jones Movie and obviously misjudged the crowd. We had to split up and sit in two separate parts of the theater. The movie was pretty good.

Sunday I got up and got in the shower and Brian started complaining about his stomach hurting. Well he ended up spending most of the morning in the potty and then Megan started not feeling well. So we camped out at the house and didn't go to church. Well after naptime, Peyton started not looking so good. I was on the phone with Melanie when Landree fell out of my lap so I hurried and got off the phone with her and scooped Landree up. No sooner than I had done that when Peyton projectile vomiting on the carpet. I handed Landree off to Brad, Brian headed for the hills and I got Peyton to the bathroom and spent the next hour getting her and the carpet cleaned up. I got Landree to bed and Peyton decided to go lay in bed with Brian and a puke bucket. I was then on the phone with Haley when Megan started calling for Brad from upstairs. Bless her heart she had started throwing up- it's bad enough to be sick but then not be in your own bed or at your momma's house is even worse. Brad declared that if I got sick that he was headed to a hotel and calling the CDC to tent our house. I ended up at the grocery store at 10 o'clock getting gatorade, medicine, and the ingredients for the BRAT diet. I then got Brad and I Jack in the Box because we realized that we never did eat supper. I got home and gave all the sickies Gatorade or Sprite and Medicine and Brad and I sat down to eat our supper at 10:45 and started watching the movie, 27 Dresses. When Brad used to live at home and didn't stay out with the hooty owls, he and I would stay up and talk until really late in the evening. Now Brian and I have been married for almost 10 years now and here we were- me taking care of a sick husband and a sick 5 year old and him taking care of a sick girlfriend. It was definately a far cry from our chitchat sessions of old. I hated that Megan got sick but I did enjoy having Brad's company.

Memorial Day dawned and it looked like the Night of the Living Dead around here. Brian felt better but was very weak- he no longer had his fat reserves to replenish him, Megan was also better but weak, and Peyton kept going back and forth to the potty. Brad and Megan left late morning and made it back to Bossier. We sat around and watched Harry Potters all day and all four us took a much needed nap. Everybody ate soup for the day and this morning everybody is pretty much recovered.

Now we are trying to get ready for our vacation. Tomorrow, Peyton has her closing chapel and ceremony for Preschool at church, one of the moms is having a party afterwards, then tomorrow evening she has her Soccer Party at a local eating place here. Thursday, she has dress rehearshal for her Dance Recital. Friday, Buddy goes to the vet to be kenneled and Nana and Emily are coming down. Saturday, Peyton has her dance recital. Sunday, Brian and I have a 5:40AM flight to Puerto Rico where we will board our cruise to the Southern Carribbean. Nana and Emily will take the girls back to Shreveport on Sunday. So somewhere in the next 4 days, I have to get all the laundry done and get us packed up to leave for an entire week.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Any other time I have posted about hives on this blog, it has been in regards to Landree. Not tonight. I am literally covered from head to toe in hives, yes even my face and palms have hives. I have been itching for 24 hours and I am now miserable. The doctor said it could be up to 10 days before they are all gone. So I am doped up on benadryl and he prescribed a steroid also. Today I got soooo sleepy because of the benadryl so I gated off the kitchen and stairs and put a movie on and fell asleep in my chair. Luckily the girls didn't tear the house down. We have no idea what has caused the hives- I just know they better be gone in 2 1/2 weeks when I leave for my cruise. I run around here half crazy anyway but I have now been itching and scratching for over 24 hours and I might go batty soon.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I probably should just go back to sleep for the rest of the day because the first hour and a half that I have been up has been so wonderful I'm afraid someone might spoil it. I got woken up by my wonderful husband and two beautiful girls and they came bearing cards, flowers, and gifts. They gave me a 250 GB portable external harddrive and a Flip Camcorder- YEAH!!!!! All I had to do was put the provided AA batteries in and immediately start taking video. I tried to get the girls to say Happy Mother's Day so it would be all cute for my blog. Here are our attempts

Landree wasn't cooperating- imagine that. She finally did it on her terms and I almost didn't get it. Ignore the ironing board and couch full of laundry in the background.

I then was brought breakfast in bed and my husband even brought me the Diet Dr. Pepper that I love not the water or milk that I should drink. We are now all 4 in my bed, the girls and Brian are watching Alvin and the Chipmunks and I am playing on the computer- Life is Wonderful and I am so blessed. Peyton is a little upset that Mother's Day is on Sunday and we are going to church. Today is Pentecost Sunday and I am happy to go to church and thank God for all of my blessings- mainly the three I am sharing a bed with right now and especially my two girls because there was many a day that I wasn't even sure that I would get to be the recipient of Mother's Day Wishes.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I'm Back

So I haven't posted in a while because I have been working on Mother's Day presents. I was up very late or very early depending on your perspective- a few nights this week finishing things up. I made chipboard albums and coffee cups for the moms. Here they are

Tonight, I am at a scrapbooking store for a crop and I have spent the night working on this soccer layout for Peyton.

Maybe tomorrow I'll post more about what has happened this week and the chipboard albums. We'll see how Mother's Day goes, Brian and Peyton did a lot of whispering today so there is no telling what tomorrow will be.